This first layout, Good Times, has one of my most favorite quotes. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out ;)
This second layout, Proud, was from a sketch by Beggahuna. I LOOOVE her sketches and had this one saved in my favorite's folder at for a long time now so I was happy to finally get it done. Loads of hand-stithcing on this one and Husband really loved it since it was one of his mother, my sweet MIL. October will make two years since we lost her and I'm still hurting but scrapping her helps.
Everyday is another whimsical layout with more Sassafrass papers. A little fancy cutting and some very old stickers from my stash helped me finish this one and I was pleased with this one too :)
For 2009, I wanted to try my hand at making some toilet paper flowers. This layout is based on a PageMaps Sketch. I always love PM and like how this one came out too:)
i LOVE PURE lime green is one of my favorite new layouts that I've created. Loads of green for this March creation and lots of my favs: stitching, ribbon, Prima flowers and gel alphas. I hand-cut the large paper flowers and I made the small flowers with pearl centers with my puncher. Really loved this one!
This 2-pager, MY Valentine Sweethearts, was made using lots of goodies I received from winning the Love Is In The Air Crop at Sassy Scrappers. I spent a lot of time prepping up the 2-pager with stitching, doodling, lace and such but then I thought I took the easy, lazy way out by only adding matted 4x6 pics and not doing anything special with them or changing the design up a bit. Kept it linear and simple and I liked it better before I put any pictures on Ok, I'm wierd. I
This last layout is for Helen's March Sketch Challenge on her blog, Scrap A Little. I tried to pick colors and patterned paper that reminded me of Mexico and not so new since these pics are from 2002 but I ended up not liking it much at all. Not sure where I went wrong but it's done and I'm not one to tear apart and start over so.... there ya go ;)
Hope you guys have a wonderful Friday and as always, your comments are treasured and appreciated :D